

Prokoško lake

is located on the mountain Vranica and is of glacial origin. It is located at 1636 meters above sea level. It is 22 km away from Fojnica. At 2-3 hours walk from the lake is Nadkrstac, the highest peak of Vranica, with a height of 2112 meters. This is also the fifth highest peak in our country.

In addition to day trips, Lake Prokoško offers the possibility of a longer stay.

Travel plan

The large Bosnian mountain range rises in the northernmost extremity of Bosnia, defining the geographical boundary. The imposing Vranica ridge passes through a number of regions.


Services Recreation

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Free Wi-Fi

WiFi is not available on the mountain Vranica, and also in some parts of mountain a mobile signal.


Sports and recreation

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The wise man therefore always holds in these matters to this principle.

What people say about us

Check the reviews by Tripster members!
Elvis Klisura reviewed tour to London
I was visiting Prokoško Lake last week and was astonished with the high quality service the team provided
Lily Waters reviewed tour to Slapovi Kozice
It was amazing! I enjoyed every minute of my tour and the guides were really helpful and assisted my group through all the way!